But they've got over 56 million hits on Youtube and there's only about 72 million Koreans...
måndag 31 oktober 2011
Woke up at five, looked monday morning straight in the eyes and said fuck you right back.
This improves my chances of surviving yet another monday:
This improves my chances of surviving yet another monday:
torsdag 27 oktober 2011
If someone sponsors me with brand new Pioneer players and a mixer I will be a handy woman and build THIS. You got my word.
So... Does anyone feel challenged?
I love this blog.
I didn't sleep like a baby tonight, but I sure as hell slept bad. Thank God (or capitalism or whatever) for Red Bull! We have a super fun gig tonight and I don't wanna be that cranky bitch in sequined spandex party pooping on stage (Halloween themed).
I didn't sleep like a baby tonight, but I sure as hell slept bad. Thank God (or capitalism or whatever) for Red Bull! We have a super fun gig tonight and I don't wanna be that cranky bitch in sequined spandex party pooping on stage (Halloween themed).
Since I've been awake for three hours I've downloaded tons of songs for tonight, but right now this is what fills my headphones:
tisdag 25 oktober 2011

Kände för att leka lite i fredags så jag köpte lite örhängen och något slags väsksmycke för en billig penning på Glitter och pysslade ihop till två olika örhängen istället! Kände mig rätt nöjd tills tre olika personer på krogen frågade om jag "var kristen?" på grund av korset.
Oh well, det var ju värt ett försök i alla fall.
I was wondering whether or not Duck Sauce would make a video to Big Bad Wolf. Well they did.
A fucking brilliant one.
fredag 21 oktober 2011
torsdag 20 oktober 2011
tisdag 18 oktober 2011
måndag 17 oktober 2011
Jag minns det som i går. Året var 2008, 00-talet var i högblom och 80-talisterna var generationen som alla älskade att hata.
Otaliga artiklar skrevs om den lata generationen som satte begreppet ångest på kartan: SvD: ” 80-talister kräsna och krävande”, Fokus: ”En blåst generation”, Kvällsöppet: ”Är 80-talister lata?”.
Själva opponerade vi mot dessa påhopp, men våra inre drama queens tjöt av glädje åt den uppmärksamhet vi fick och så frenetiskt törstat efter.
Vi var de nya vuxna: högljudda, jante-befriade och riktiga finnar i röven.
Så kom baksmällan.
Den stökiga mellangenerationen ersattes av en mer lätthanterlig bror duktig – sladdbarnet i knytblus och pärlcollier. 90-talisterna. De optimistiska, miljömedvetna, nytänkarna som drömmer om rutiner och skapar sina egna jobb.
Plötsligt är det Blondinbellagenerationens Colgate-leende artighet som diskuteras i bloggar och debattinlägg. Medelåldern i Idol har sjunkit till 16,7 och en 80-talist som sökte klassificerades som tantig.
Året är 2011 och den där generationen – 80-talister tror jag visst att de kallas – känns plötsligt så förbi. Passé. Blasé. En generation i passé composé.
Så 00-tal.
90-talisterna är 2011 och vi en gång så stöddiga 80-talister får räkna oss till ännu en förlorad generation.
Otaliga artiklar skrevs om den lata generationen som satte begreppet ångest på kartan: SvD: ” 80-talister kräsna och krävande”, Fokus: ”En blåst generation”, Kvällsöppet: ”Är 80-talister lata?”.
Själva opponerade vi mot dessa påhopp, men våra inre drama queens tjöt av glädje åt den uppmärksamhet vi fick och så frenetiskt törstat efter.
Vi var de nya vuxna: högljudda, jante-befriade och riktiga finnar i röven.
Så kom baksmällan.
Den stökiga mellangenerationen ersattes av en mer lätthanterlig bror duktig – sladdbarnet i knytblus och pärlcollier. 90-talisterna. De optimistiska, miljömedvetna, nytänkarna som drömmer om rutiner och skapar sina egna jobb.
Plötsligt är det Blondinbellagenerationens Colgate-leende artighet som diskuteras i bloggar och debattinlägg. Medelåldern i Idol har sjunkit till 16,7 och en 80-talist som sökte klassificerades som tantig.
Året är 2011 och den där generationen – 80-talister tror jag visst att de kallas – känns plötsligt så förbi. Passé. Blasé. En generation i passé composé.
Så 00-tal.
90-talisterna är 2011 och vi en gång så stöddiga 80-talister får räkna oss till ännu en förlorad generation.
onsdag 12 oktober 2011
I'm really looking forward to this documentary which premieres October 20. Overall I find media and it's impact extremely interesting right now. If you haven't seen Catfish yet I strongly recommend you to.
måndag 10 oktober 2011
My boyfriend directed this and I'm so proud of him!
I love the song too, Aino and Caroline are awesome and I remember when they told us about Icona Pop last summer when they also deejayed at Spymlan! They've come so far in just one year.
If you're in Stockholm you should definitely go to Debaser Medis and check them out. Find out more HERE. I know I will!
fredag 7 oktober 2011
tisdag 4 oktober 2011
I am very superstitious.
I am a firm believer in karma (it's very logical actually, shit always hits the fan eventually).
I also believe in the Law of Attraction (not in a crazy way, but I think that a positive attitude and belief in what ever you do will take you far).

A sunny Saturday two weeks ago I wasted time just walking around Stockholm checking out furniture, making up wish lists in my mind for "when I'm rich", and I found this amazing silver colored cow skin hanging on a wall, kind of out of sight. The price was a bit over 6000 kronor and for a poor bastard like me, that's lot of money for a new mat when I already have a pretty ok one.
So when I asked the nice girl if they had more than that one (which they didn't and won't) and explained my depressing budget she said "Well why don't you buy a Trisslott, you never know..."
And that stuck with me. The mat I craved as well as her advise to play the lottery.
I have NEVER played the lottery and I am certainly not "Little Miss Gambler", it gives me more anxiety than a thrilling sensation. But I am superstitious.
So when woke up in an extra good mood on Wednesday I decided to buy a Trisslott. I scraped it walking from the store and only came a couple of meters when I realized that I had won 1000 kronor! I ran back to the store where the cashier laughed and said "You haven't even skraped the "X?" square (rookie mistake), it's X2! You have won 2000 kronor!".

It felt symbolic, not so much money that I could buy something else even more extravagant but just what I needed to afford the mat. But it also felt as if I now HAD to buy it. Because I would never ever have played the lottery if she hadn't advised me to.
When I went back to the store and told her the story she got just as excited as I. She told me that she had sold incense to a man a couple of months ago, he had asked her which scent she liked and she answered truthfully that she never lit incense but there was one named "Money Maker" and she liked the name. He got it and a couple of weeks he came back and told her he had lit the incense for four days in a row, and during those days his company made over half a million kronor!
I now believe that she's a bit magical haha.
To end my long, silly story - I got the mat for a bit over 3500 kr (with a little discount and my prize money) and I LOVE it.
(I took the picture before I put all stuff back in place, thats why my table is half)
måndag 3 oktober 2011
Sweden is a strange country.
For you non-Swedes a fun fact (although I'd rather call it sad) is that not only do you need a liquor permit to have a club in Sweden, you need to have a dance permit. Otherwise you'll have to settle with just having a bar, in which the mood can't get too euphoric because people might start dancing (OH NO!).
Anyways, this very entertaining radio interview is in Swedish and questions the dance permit. So all Swedes, take five minutes and listen to this:
For you non-Swedes a fun fact (although I'd rather call it sad) is that not only do you need a liquor permit to have a club in Sweden, you need to have a dance permit. Otherwise you'll have to settle with just having a bar, in which the mood can't get too euphoric because people might start dancing (OH NO!).
Anyways, this very entertaining radio interview is in Swedish and questions the dance permit. So all Swedes, take five minutes and listen to this:
söndag 2 oktober 2011
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